double sided printer problem

davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
Need a blank page at the end of each group with text marking it as "BLANK", but only if there are an odd number of pages in the group.
In Classic. it is easy to add a blank page on demand.
In RDLC, there does not seem to be a practical way since the report viewer processes the complete dataset including the page count.
I could row count in NAV, but with descriptions wrapping and occasional extra detail lines, it makes it difficult to come up with the exact number of lines to be printed in a group.
Does anyone know a setting - either in Visual Studio or the Windows printer driver definition that could force a page break to the next physical page? (This can only be done on the last page in a group.)


  • saravanans87saravanans87 Member Posts: 36
    The same scenario has been accomplished on base reports(Sales Order,Purchase Order etc) to print the footer total on the last past of the particular group, that has been done by PrintFooter variable. You can refer the same and additionally you can get the current page number and do a modulo operation to figure whether it is odd or even page. Hope this Helps.
    Software Developer,
    Archerpoint India Pvt. Ltd,Chennai.
  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    the problem is this is a separate page that only prints when the total pages in a group is odd. Since this is determined by the reportviewer, how do you add an additional page without affecting the total pages that you would be using for the calculation?
    (Plus,unless they changed it, the last record in a the group has a footer flag set to true.)
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