When using the webclient to open a specific page (ie by using ?page=50000) the url of the page is changed so that on reload page (f5) I open the start page.
Can this rewrite of the URL be undone? and can it be done without needing to mess with webconfig for the given tier?
As far as I know this is not possible, as this is how browsers work.
Haven't look into it that much yet, but if I have this link:
http://localhost:8085/DynamicsNAV100/WebClient/?company=CRONUS Danmark A/S&bookmark=37;UMMAAAJ7DTUANwAwADUAMQA1ADAAMgAxADQANgAyADI=&page=50000&dc=0
I'm able to refresh (F5) .. but not should about the bookmark number yet. If that is session specific or not.