How to setup Navision Application Server for different companies in same database?

DavidRGuiuDavidRGuiu Member Posts: 2

I've developed one process in Nav2016, and I need to run this process using the NAS, but I don't know how to do the NAS Setup and the process is run for each company.


  • DavidRGuiuDavidRGuiu Member Posts: 2
    Is necessary to create different NAS for each company?
  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921
    Yes it's normally necessary to create a NAS per company.

    However if you have a very simple process then you may be able to use the CHANGECOMPANY function on the tables you are using in your code. NOTE! - if your code calls any triggers (e.g. OnValidate, OnModify, OnInsert, etc...) then this may cause problems as any variable declared within those triggers or in any functions called from those triggers will execute in the main company - not the one you specified in the CHANGECOMPANY function.
  • RockWithNAVRockWithNAV Member Posts: 1,139
    Simple answer is YES.
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