Hello everybody.
I'm having a problem with a quite large Acc. Schedule that i created in Navision 3,7.
I have the following message:
" Because of circular references, Navision cannot calculate a formula.
The error occured when the program tried to calculate:
Acc.Sched. Line : Row No. = 9990T, Line no. = 25025000, Totaling = 9998T + 9997T.
Acc.Sched. Column : Column no. = 1, Line no. = 10000, Formula = "
The formula is a simple addition of 2 lines, and the most important issue is that this problem doesn't appear everytime that i overview the specific acc. schedule.
Thanx in advance.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
i'll check it
I copied all the lines in Excel and after a searching of 9990T i couldn't find the specific line anyware else (except in line 25025000 where the problem appears).
So, i renamed the line 9990T to 9999U ( a completely new number ) and i assigned the same addition (9998T + 9997T) to it.
Unfortunately the same error appeared regarding now the line 9999U.
I dont know what else to do.
Thank you for your support.
We solved it by changing codeunit 8 AccSchedManagement, function EvaluateExpression:
Yes it is really a big one Acc. Sch.