Hi guys!
- Company has multiple locations in canada: Mtl, Ott, win, Qbc,....
- Each location has several stores and one warehouse.
- Each store can purchase items
- Each warehouse can purchase items.
- Sometimes items purchased by the warehouse must be transferred to stores, items can also be transferred from store to stores.
- Cost and prices are different from one location to another location, even form one store to another store in the same location.
- Min Max will be used for each item or item category.
1. How can I set up my company if I need to run requisition worksheet to replenishment my stores and my warehouses?
2. How and when Navision will now if transfer must be done.
Any help will be appreciated as I am thinking on all set up that I can do to avoid customization.
When I purchased 50 items ABC for location FCT, they were listed automatically as the SKU 'FCT ABC', and I assume that if I then transferred them to location GHI they would become SKU 'GHI ABC', but I haven't tried this.
If costs differ from store to store, SKUs are essential ( separate location code for each store) Also set the "Average Cost Calc. Type" in "Inventory Setup" to "Item&Location" if the item costing method is "Average".
In order to get accurate data in req. worksheet you need to setup fields on replenishment and planning tab on item/SKU card. There’re 4 reordering options, the choice is yours ( I guess you need option – Maximum Qty).
You need to setup all stores as locations (or warehouses) and warehouses as warehouses in Navision (location card, warehouse tab) but warehouse setup depends on your needs. You can setup your store as warehouse as well, i.e. in order to get detailed info by bin or to implement some warehouse procedures.
If you need additional info take a look in the help file and/or post your question(s) here.
I agree with SKU. I dont have choice.
- But if one store sometimes must purchase items and sometimes must do an internal requisition, how this can be managed?
- If I have store A, store B and store C belonging to location ABC how i am doing the set up??? Do I need to create 4 warehouses: ABC, A, B, C??
a.) There is a field "Replenishment System" on the SKU Card, where you can select "Purchase" or "Transfer".
b.) Yes, 4 Location codes with different Setups, the Warehouse will require a totally different setup on the "Warehouse","Bins" and "Bin Policies" tab of the location card than the stores.
Please can you elaborate more about settings of warehouse and stores?
What are differences on the card?
Ps: DO I NEED TO USE WMS for that or I can still use the basic WM ( I didnt want to use specific bins, zones, etc unless it is mandatory for the type of purposes i want)
There are lots of different levels of warehouse management, it all depends on the size of the warehouse and the type and amount of goods handled whether
1. bins are necessary at all. If bins are to be used they ALWAYS have to be used. If the standard bins not set up and not known this will cause subsential delay in handling the items.
2. "Directed put away and pick" is used ( this means use of "Floating bins" in addition to standard bins). If this is to be done properly it can take very long, if size and weight of the items need be known in order not to overload certain bins.
Do the stores use Navison too or do they receive just the shipment notes which are checked and sent back to the head office ?
Do they receive drop shipments from the vendors or is everything handled via the location warehouse and other stores?
If the stores do not have bins and are not supposed to do own postings then the warehouse can create the Transfer Orders, post items into the transit location and out of it when the shipments have been verified by the store. In this case it would be sufficent to create the SKU for every item in every location.
In my case,
- Yes all Stores will use Navision too ( LS retail the add on from Navision)
- When the order is done sometime goods goes to the central warehouse and sometime goods are going directly to the concerned store.
- NO stores dont have bins but they are supposed to do their postings ( receiving, transfer to other stores /warehouses, .
Each store can receive ( if the order was made from them) their goods.
The minimum setup for the stores could be no warehouse setup at all. If the order their own items then they can post directly from the orders. If that is not wanted or they want to see a list of warehouse receipts then tick "Require Receive". "Require Shipment" could be ticked if there are not just POS transactions, but there might be conflicts with the retail add-on.
The location warehouse needs all "Require" fields ticked ( Receive, Shipment, Put-Away, Pick). If you do not tick "Put-Away" and want to use Picks then the items are available for picking when the Receipt is posted. Usually it takes some time to handle the items, so a separate "Put-Away" process is advisable. Only when this is registered then the items are available for picking.
The warehouse employees table has to be setup, check the location for every user, else he/she will not see the right documents.
If the warehouse wants to use bins , do not try to set up the warehouse without training and some experienced person checking the setup. "Bin mandatory" must be ticked and all items should have a default bin. Don't confuse this with the fixed bin , that's for "Directed put-away and pick" and used to find fixed or floating bins using the Put-Away Templates.