We are on NAV 2016 AU Cloud Based. since I have installed the client on my LT/Desktop for this version, is it possible that i can also install the Development environment for NAV 2016 NA version, So, i can take certain reports(10000..) which are not in AU version, renamed them to 50K series and import. Is it possible to do it on Same machine where client is installed.
any link or past posts which i can refer to?
I have NA, W1 and IN versions in same machine now as well. what problems do you see?
if you think not possible then you can install in separate machine and uninstall later.
When i run the Setup for NA version, the options i have are add/remove, repair & Uninstall. because i have Client installed that is pointing to server in Azure and i don't want to disturb that client setting(the server it is pointing to).
Thank you..
How to change the parameter List when customizing the installation. I want to change the server and other info when running the setup but it seems all are uneditable and i can't change the parameters.
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