I have some customers in Nav2016 with Customer Price Group configuration. Some of them have also invoice discount and sometimes line discount for some promotions (from date to date).
In the Customer Price Groups window, I check "Allow line discount" and "Allow Invoice discount" to those customers, but when I'm creating a new order, I don't get the line discount or invoice discount. In fact, the check in the sales line "allow invoice discount" is unchecked.
I don't know why this happens, because I have checked those 2 options in the customer price group.
Any idea? do I have to configure something else to make this works?
Best regards.
In the customer card, I created a new "Customer price group". That group incluce several items and prices.
After I've checked "Allow invoice discount" and "Allow line discount" for that group.
Then, I create a line discount for several items (included in price group), let's say a 5% discount, and another 5% for invoice discount. I apply that line discount to a product group, not just a single item.
Now when I create a new order for that customer, when I introduce in the line an item that has that 5%, Nav doesn't show that 5% in the line and does not apply the invoice discount (another 5%). The allow invoice discount checkbox is unchecked in the line, but it should be checked and line discount shown.
Any idea? It's all quite simple but it doesn't work.
Anyway, as I apply a customer price group to this customer, then I should check the checkboxes on the customer price groups window, I'm I right?
What price are you getting, is it using the Sales Pice for the Customer Price Group or the Unit Price from the Item card?
Is "Allow Invoice Disc." set on the Item and also on the "Sales Price" records?
You mention Customer Price Group but not Customer Discount Group - have you set this on the Customer?
Are your invoice / line discounts set for a specific or blank "Currency Code"?
I'm getting the price from the customer price group.
"Allow Invoice Disc." is set on the item card and on the customer price group (customer price group window).
For this customer I'm not using Customer discount group.
About the currency field, it is not set.
- customer card with customer price group.
- the price group has a list of items with net prices. No currency specified.
- the price group has checked "allow invoice discount" and "allow line discount"
- I've created a 5% discount for a product group for black friday, at line discount tab in customer card. Those items are also under the price group of the customer.
- "Allow line discount" is set in the customer card.
- "Allow invoice discount" is set in the item card.
When creating the order, no line discount or invoice discount is applied. Don't know why...
What I need: with a customer that has customer price group, I need to apply invoice discount and line discount. What is the way??
After checking all fields in several tables, including 7002 Sales Price, there are 2 fields called "Allow Invoice Disc." and "Allow Line Disc."
The problem is those fields are NOT modified when you click on "Allow invoice disc." or "Allow Line Disc." in the "Customer price group" window (customer card). Those fields are set when you introduce new items in the table depending on the value of the price group window, but after that, if you modify the value in the window, that doesn't update the values "inside", I mean in table 7002.
Best regards.