Cheque printing

satyajitsatyajit Member Posts: 28
Hi, i want to make a multiple line entry in the payment journal and using the check printing functionality. Can anyone tell me if i can do this, and if yes, How ??


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    i'm not sure I understand. you want to enter several lines at once into the payment journal & print checks?

    are you doing it one at a time now?
  • satyajitsatyajit Member Posts: 28

    We are trying to post one single entry in multiple lines and not using the balancing account. For eg., when a Vendor is made payment through this case we are asked to put the cheque number(cheque number will be same in both the lines).....we want this entry to be made in two lines and not a single line entry using balancing account......

    Navsion allows us to post the entry but the problem is with regards to cheque printing........please let me know if there is any solution to this??

  • tguptatgupta Member Posts: 86
    Hi Satyajit ,
    If you are looking to print all the lines during cheque printing then u can d something like this
    Go on the OnPresectiontrigger of the dataitem where the lines r getting printing Its printsettledloopbody just looking at the standard report and write something like this

    VendorLedger.SETCURRENTKEY("Vendor No.");
    VendorLedger.SETRANGE("Vendor No.",VendLedgEntry."Vendor No.");
    VendorLedger.SETRANGE("Document No.",DocNo1);

    IF VendorLedger.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
    VendorLedger.CALCFIELDS(Amount,"Original Amount","Remaining Amount","Original Amt. (LCY)"
    ,"Amount (LCY)","Remaining Amt. (LCY)");

    where Vendorledger is a record variable of vendor ledger entry

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