I have a problem in aligning a record in each row. As you can see in the attached file, the row #70 should be align in row #1. Basically, the record is pulled out in one table (database) only. I already tried the sorting (property), but it doesn't work the way that I wanted. It will work but the number will jump.
Thank You for your help.
Archerpoint India Pvt. Ltd,Chennai.
I already hide the row that has no data, and used the . My problem right now is that the stays at 1 and does not increment (Please see the attached file.). I tried the sample in this link (https://saurav-nav.blogspot.com/2015/04/nav-rtc-report-reset-row-no-serial-no.html) to get some ideas in row numbering.
Yes. I already used that idea. I used variable in C/AL to hold the incremented value for row numbering. I think this is fine.
Thanks for the help.