Assist to login any NAV systems

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,498
Assist to login any NAV systems
It is usual that you receive SQL database from your customer and you cannot login NAV because you haven't got NAV account.

This script assists you to login any NAV systems with SQL database. Same as CRONUS demo system, there is a tip: when there is no NAV account, you can login NAV system with your Windows account.

Login information includes below tables:

NAV 2013 to NAV 2016: [User], [Access Control]
NAV 2009 and earlier: [User], [Member Of], [Windows Login], [Windows Access Control]

Process follows 3 steps:

Step1: Backup and clear login information
Step2: Restart NAV service (if use) with Windows Authentication
Login NAV with your Windows account
Add your Windows account with SUPER role/permission set
Step3: Restore login information and clear backup

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