Have a look at report 1004 "Close Inventory Period - Test" - this does a similar thing for the Item card. Basically you...
1) Include a field in the dataset for the hyperlink
2) On the field on the report select "Text Box Properties" --> Action, then click the "Go to URL" option and select the Hyperlink field in the "Select URL" field
Have a look at report 1004 "Close Inventory Period - Test" - this does a similar thing for the Item card. Basically you...
1) Include a field in the dataset for the hyperlink
2) On the field on the report select "Text Box Properties" --> Action, then click the "Go to URL" option and select the Hyperlink field in the "Select URL" field
i do a field hyperlink and i rght this link but it doesnt work
{DynamicsNAV:////runpage?page=30&mode=edit&bookmark="} this link i copied from a report
how i correct the link
whats the correct link
See the above screenshot for what code to put in the DataItem and the OnAfterGetRecord (just tweak it to use the Vendor table and "vendor card"). In addition, below is the code for the GenerateHyperlink function...
LOCAL GenerateHyperlink(Bookmark:Text[250];PageID:Integer):Text
IF Bookmark='' THEN
EXIT('');// Generates a URL such as dynamicsnav://hostname:port/instance/company/runpage?page=pageId&bookmark=recordId&mode=View.
1) Include a field in the dataset for the hyperlink
2) On the field on the report select "Text Box Properties" --> Action, then click the "Go to URL" option and select the Hyperlink field in the "Select URL" field
concern on what
my aim is when the user press on the vendor name it will open
Vendor Card.
{DynamicsNAV:////runpage?page=30&mode=edit&bookmark="} this link i copied from a report
how i correct the link
whats the correct link
i install nav 2017