DotNet DataType Unable to create Instance

Hello Guys, I created a DLL using C# with .Net framework 4.0 and I have also deployed it in the add-ins folder on both client and server folder. However, it still prompts me the message "Cannot create an instance of the following .Net Framework. . ." (Please see the image). What am I missing? I am using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2.

This is working fine when I change the DotNet datatype's property RunOnClient to True, but this is asking to "allow the extension. . ." for every session. I wanted to just run this on server only because I am using it also in the Job Queue. Please help.

Looking forward for your response. :smile:

Heres my C# and C/AL Code:

public class Processor: ISerializable
string postData;
public string PostData
get { return postData; }
set { postData = value; }
public Processor()
PostData = string.Empty;

public static string testMessage()
return "test";

public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue(postData, this.PostData);

public List<MembershipCard> BlockedMembershipCardList(string serviceUrl)
Bridge bridge = new Bridge(serviceUrl);
return bridge.GetBlockedMembershipCards();

public DataTable BlockedMembershipCardDataTable(string serviceUrl)
Bridge bridge = new Bridge(serviceUrl);
DataTable a = bridge.GetBlockedMembershipCardsAsDatatable();
return bridge.GetBlockedMembershipCardsAsDatatable();

public MembershipCard MemberShipInformation(string serviceUrl, string cardNumber)
Bridge bridge = new Bridge(serviceUrl);
return bridge.GetMembershipCard(cardNumber);

public MembershipCard PostTransactionsToWeb(string serviceurl, string _data)

Bridge bridge = new Bridge(serviceurl);
return bridge.PushTransactionToWeb(_data.TrimEnd('&').Replace(@\r\n, " ").Replace(" ", "%20"));

public MembershipCard PostTransactionsToWeb(string serviceurl)
Bridge bridge = new Bridge(serviceurl);
return bridge.PushTransactionToWeb(PostData.TrimEnd('&').Replace(@\r\n, " ").Replace(" ", "%20"));

public Status ValidateCouponCard(string serviceUrl, string memberCard, string couponCard)
Bridge bridge = new Bridge(serviceUrl);
return bridge.ValidateCouponCard(memberCard,couponCard);

public string md5(string rawString)
Bridge b = new Bridge();
return b.StringToMd5(rawString);

public bool CheckConnectivity(string url)
using (var client = new WebClient())
using (var stream = client.OpenRead(url))
return true;
return false;

LoyaltyIntegration := LoyaltyIntegration.Processor;
blockedCardData := LoyaltyIntegration.BlockedMembershipCardDataTable(PosFuncProfile."LOY Web Service Uri");

FOR rowCtr := 0 TO blockedCardData.Rows.Count - 1 DO BEGIN
recLoyBlockedCards."Card Number" := blockedCardData.Rows.Item(rowCtr).Item(0);
recLoyBlockedCards."Block Type" := blockedCardData.Rows.Item(rowCtr).Item(1);

The error occurs upon Initializing the LoyaltyIntegration;

Best Answers


  • coheedramoscoheedramos Member Posts: 6
    Fuck!!! it works like a fucking charm! you holy grace from above!

    Just to add. . . Does mean that I have to deploy a 2 separate build of my dll x86 and 64bit?
  • coheedramoscoheedramos Member Posts: 6
    Thank you man!
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