Send an offer/invoice by email with Navision 2.60

JabatoJabato Member Posts: 3
edited 2005-07-06 in Navision Financials
Hello all!
I'm using Navision Financials v. ES 2.60 and i need to send any documents by e-mail (offers, orders, invoices) but this version only allow to do it in .html format ("Save as"), then the document has different configuration that it is printed. How i can send it in the same format that the preview or printed document?
Is there any application neccesary?
Thanks for your help


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Have you thought about a PDF Printer?

    We use pdf995 when we want to print a sales order/invoice/PO/etc & Email them.

    PDF's are great for us - i mean who doesn't have the free acrobat reader & pdf995 is free too. Just a few bucks if you want to kill the ad's.

    We also use the pdf995edit which has a nice feature that once something is printed using pdf995 it automatically opens my email and makes it an attachment. all I have to do is type who it's going to.
    there are other PDF printers available too.
  • JabatoJabato Member Posts: 3
    ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
    Ok, i have Acrobat Distiller and Acrobat PDF Writer (i don´t know the difference between them :-k ) & this works correctly.
    Thx very much, Sav, and regards from Spain.
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