Hi all,
Iam new on this forum, do you have idea how can i make automatic select rows ? User select one row in Page1 and some rows automaticly select in Page2 row based on some condition
We have one page Page1 and one Subpage Page2 on one Form. I want to, when user select some row from Page 1, navision automatic select some row from Page 2.
example: I have page Sales Header(list of all Headers) with Subpage Sales line(list of all Lines), when i select one row from header, i want to nav select automatic rows from Sales Line (Header No = Line.HeaderNo).
Yes this is possible. But I have a question when you will select one row then no trigger gets fired. I will suggest to have a manual filter somewhere in the top where when you enter the Order no it will get applicable to both the main Page and Subpage or else if you have some better idea as just selecting one or two rows will do nothing or else you give a button where it will be applied to the sub pages.
We have implement big production system in our NAV, and we want to optimise user interface. In our production we have a lot of semi-product before we get our main products. I want when user select one semi-product, nav select all semi-product who created selected semi-product. All of this things we have in table, but i dont know how present on one form.
I hope that i come close to you my problem, sorry for my bad English.
I do not get what do you want...
I believe that the best solution would be for you to create a boolean field where you will select one product on one page, and then trigger a code that will filter products on other page, based on your own criteria, and then select boolean fields for each and every one of the products you found using filter (First SETRANGE Then RecordVar2.BoolField = TRUE then MODIFYALL). that's the least painful way to do it...
Ishwar Sharma
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example: I have page Sales Header(list of all Headers) with Subpage Sales line(list of all Lines), when i select one row from header, i want to nav select automatic rows from Sales Line (Header No = Line.HeaderNo).
Yes this is possible. But I have a question when you will select one row then no trigger gets fired. I will suggest to have a manual filter somewhere in the top where when you enter the Order no it will get applicable to both the main Page and Subpage or else if you have some better idea as just selecting one or two rows will do nothing or else you give a button where it will be applied to the sub pages.
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We have implement big production system in our NAV, and we want to optimise user interface. In our production we have a lot of semi-product before we get our main products. I want when user select one semi-product, nav select all semi-product who created selected semi-product. All of this things we have in table, but i dont know how present on one form.
I hope that i come close to you my problem, sorry for my bad English.
I will really be happy if you attach some screenshots and explain.
Blog - rockwithnav.wordpress.com/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/RockwithNav
Facebook - https://facebook.com/rockwithnav/
I believe that the best solution would be for you to create a boolean field where you will select one product on one page, and then trigger a code that will filter products on other page, based on your own criteria, and then select boolean fields for each and every one of the products you found using filter (First SETRANGE Then RecordVar2.BoolField = TRUE then MODIFYALL). that's the least painful way to do it...