My customer need to be able to put signatures on his service order in NAV. I'ts kind of easy to create that kind of functionality. You create a simple "Paint" application, put the DLL in the Service Order Header Page, save the signature as a BMP in a BLOB.
But my customer need that signature to be in visible in the standard NAV app, how can I archive that?
we have added same thing in Sales and Service orders
Franz Kalchmair, MVP
Alias: Jonathan Archer
please like / agree / verify my answer, if it was helpful for you. thx.
Blog: http://moxie4nav.wordpress.com/
Oh thank you, I will test your solution! I Googled alot here in Sweden but google never showed you link in the results and that's a shame!
I will get back to you with the result, will implement the signature in NAV 2016.
That will come handy because I don't want the signature to be visible in the pc-client
Hi Mohana!
Just a small question. I'm a junior developer, just started with C/AL. Before that I've I was a C# developer. My question is how to correctly add the functions/Methods in the "The C/AL code" part on this page: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Extensibility-for-the-7600738d#content
I mean, how do I create events like in the picture below or do they get createt somehow automatically? It dosent say where I should put this code?!
then those events will be added
Oh hi Mohana!
Thanks for the explanation. I'm a juniora C/AL Developer, from the beginning im a C# developer so the NAV world i kind of new to me
So what I did was that I added the BLOB file in the desired Table, which went fine.
The problem that I got is with the page. There is some kind of problem which I don't really understand.
When I import the page which comes with the solution, the try to compile it I get this "could not load type"-error in the picture below. And as you can see, there is no variable that is referenced to the "SignatureControl"-DLL file which Is strange...but still the events are still there...
Se this picture below for the "could not load type"-error
Then I created a dummy page with a field which in the properties i assigned the SignatureControl-DLL which went fine. See the first picture below.
Then tried to create a global variable which referenced the SignatureControl-DLL and then I got a error that might be the cause of the error I got regarding the "could not load type"-error above.
Picture 1, properties for the page field:
Picture 2, creating the global variable & error:
So whats the real problem that cause these two errors? Did i put the Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Extensibility.dll in the wrong folder with the SignatureAddin.dll? Or is it something to do with the Public Token?