Can Service Tier use mapped drives

jwilderjwilder Member Posts: 263
If we were to map a drive to the user running the service tier would the service tier then be able to read files from the mapped drive? I am asking becasue if it could, I would no not need to upload files unless they were local files on the client machine.


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    I am not sure it would work, but the best is to always use network paths like \\someserver\someshare\somesubdir\somefile.someext.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
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  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    You'd be better to use network shares and connect using UNC paths as noted above. This removes the problem of failed mappings (it happens) and also does not restrict the user process to a specific workstation.

    I'm also not totally sure a service login would run a login script to map drives. Mapping the drive at the computer console does not map it for the running service. No different than having 2 users connected to an RDS box. If user A maps a drive, user B don't see it.

    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • jwilderjwilder Member Posts: 263
    I know using network paths is the way to go but when a user selects a file they will be using a mapped drive. They don't know the ip or computer name and would never use that.

    Sounds like this is not possible. Next question is how to figure out when to upload and when not to. If the service tier has access to the file then no need to upload it. I was thinking of doing a
    if not file.exists then upload type of thing.
  • kylehardinkylehardin Member Posts: 257
    Yes, a service tier can use UNC paths. The trick is to make the NAV Service Tier service use an active directory account that you've granted access to the share. NETWORK SERVICE will not work.
    Kyle Hardin - ArcherPoint
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    The user can still use a mapped drive while the NST uses an UNC path that points to the same network location. I never depend on files written to a NST's local disk. Always to a network share. It then provides the flexibility to move the process to a different NST without consideration for the underlying computer setup.

    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • JuhlJuhl Member Posts: 724
    If the user selects the file, then the file can be moved from client to server, and processed there. (File management code unit)
    No need for paths.
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