navision windows login id changes after login

Dear all,

I am facing a strange situation here, my customer recently changed/renamed one of the user windows login (Eg: from 'abc' to 'abc.d'), The SQL Login is changed accordingly(deleted old and created new) , the citrix userid is also changed in citrix server (user claims). They restarted the user pc, reinstalled citrix receiver in client machine, refreshed. In navision and SQL server the userid is showing as 'abc.d', but when the user logs in using windows authentication it shows as 'abc'. Without having 'abc' in the SQL/Navision how Navision showing the logged in user as 'abc'.

I am unable to find where is the link still existing which i need to refresh.

Any idea?

Thanks and Regards


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    I have seen that a few times when the customer renames the domain or renames a user.
    If you have the user created in SQL server (you should use Windows groups and not users. A lot easier to maintain.) and NAV, try to delete it and then recreate it. If this doesn't help, there is no problem. Visually it is annoying but everything works just fine because in the background Windows,SQL,NAV are using the SID and not the human-readable name.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • Vineeth.RVineeth.R Member Posts: 121
    Hi Kirki,

    Yes this happened due to change in the windows domain. The only impact was the menusuit assigned (roles/permission) to the old ID was no longer linked to this new ID, all the menusuit were visible to the users.

    I deleted the old Id from the user list and created the new ID and redo the roles and permissions.

    Thanks and Regards
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