Hi Experts,
I need to fire-off an XMLPort under 2009 R2 CLASSIC (actually, under a NAS, but same thing), but unfortunately, for some unexplainable reason, the XMLPort Object IGNORES the "Format" Property, and ALWAYS acts as if it is set to "XML". So you can't use it for "Flat-Files".
Curiously enough, if you Run the same XMLPort under the Role-Tailored Client, it works FINE.
So, has anybody else here experienced this, and (even better), know of a workaround (that doesn't involve the RTC or Webservices), or a HotFix that addresses this issue?
And since I really need this to work under a NAS, I CANNOT use a Dataport. Those CANNOT be launched under a NAS.
Thanks In Advance,
Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you want. --Anon.
Probably the best thing to do is to create a report or codeunit and code your import/export so it can process flat files.
Wanted a more, um, "Civilized" fix, like a MS HotFix.
But thanx for trying...
Microsoft doesn't support this version anymore... whatever that means. And yes, "Dataport" functionality of XML ports don't work in Classic Client. You could invoke the thing via Web Service, though... but it is workaround after workaround after workaround
with best regards
I just am so lame with SOAP and Webservices in general that I don't even know which way to start with debugging same. And it doesn't help that debugging through the entire WS "handoff" is basically impossible, or at least I don't know how to do it.