Which codeunit is used for posting the item charges?

TejaswiniTejaswini Member Posts: 75
Hi Experts,

I have charges field in sales line and in sales order subform I have added this field but how to post this charges as item charges, I want to post the field amount I have in charges as like amount including tax field in sales order.

Can any one please suggest me


  • KhandelwalKhandelwal Member Posts: 1
    Hi Tejaswini,

    You need to use "Charge (Item)" functionality with Item charge assignment to post Freight Amount.
  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921

    The easy (and sensible) way is to get the customer to use standard item charge functionality as Khandelwal has suggested.

    However, if you still want to go down the route of having a custom field and bespoke code to post it then you will need to make changes to codeunits 80 and 22 (and 90 if you want on purchase side too).
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 632
    you shouldn't reinvent the wheel. Charges are already the part of standard NAV as a line type in purchase and sales lines. There are functionality behind to assign charge to item lines and divide the amount to them.
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