Using requestform and option buttons to make Item report multilangual

Hello all!
I've a question: I have a report which uses among others the table Item as DataItem. I've created a nice Product Specifications report to send to customers, but now some international customers want them also. So, for me the challenge is to make it multilangual. I've used the captionML of all fields to translate the report, but now I want to set the language using a request form.
- I've created the form
- Declared in Globals the Option variable 'optionLanguage' and set the OptionSting 'NLD, ENU'
- I've inserted to Option Buttons and set the SourceExp to 'optionLanguage' and the Optionvalues of both the buttons to respectively 'NLD' and 'ENU'
- I've inserted a line of code on the OnOpenForm() action of the request form: 'OptionLanguage := 0;' to make the first button default

So now I need to retrieve the selected value from the form. But then I need to store the value into the variable 'optionLanguage'??? Or how do I continue from here. I know that I can control the language of the report with the line of code 'CurrReport.LANGUAGE := ....'. But how do I get from where I am now to the point that it is a working request form! Please help me out! Thanks in advance!
"Make it idiot-proof and someone will invent a better idiot..."

Best Answer


  • neilgfneilgf Member Posts: 148
    Hi. Sounds like you need to pass data to the report and then run the report. If so please search MIBUSO How Tos for this. Neil
  • danielbouwmeesterdanielbouwmeester Member Posts: 22
    Yes but the request form is part of the same report. So it is the same object, right? So I don't need functions to pass parameters? I only have to store the selected value of the Option variable 'optionLanguage' into a different variable?? (How do I do that and in which trigger of the request form?).

    And after that I have to get the value in the OnPreReport trigger of the report?!

    In the How Tos I only find procedures to pass parameters between different objects, but that's not the case, right? Sorry for all the questions!

    Kind regards,
    "Make it idiot-proof and someone will invent a better idiot..."
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