When I try to rename an Item record in a SQL database I get the error: "The field Productgroupcode has to be added to the primary key in table Item". It looks like it stops at the Bin Content Type table. It happens when I try it on the Item card and in the Item table. In the rename trigger I have only the standard navision code.
I can't debug this error and code coverage does not seem to give any information. When I perform this action in the same company in a C-Side database I don't seem to have that problem.
Is there anybody who can give me a clue what could be wrong? Thanx in advance!
You have a field in a table relationed to item."Product Group Code". Change this relation to something like ""Product Group".Code WHERE (Item Category Code=FIELD(Item Category Code))"
I exported all tables to text and search for all tablerelations with Item and found it. There was a relation from a tablefield to item."product group code". I changed it to just Item and everything worked just fine.
Can you explain to me why this was not a problem in C-Side?
I have a same problem, but with a decimal type field. It's a new field in table Insurance in SQL database. A error is "A field below must be included in the table's primary key. "
What can I do??