Pre-Assigned No.

Hello Experts !!
You know, if the field "Pre-assigned No." of purchase invoices used in some other table besides the "Purch. Inv. Header" table?

They ask me renumbers these values and need to know if it affects any other table.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer


  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 568
    Why do you want to renumber - "Pre-Assigned No."s?

    United Kingdom
  • kanikakanika Member Posts: 247
    It is for the Chilean localization.

    It is necessary that the numbering is: year + month + correlative

    but they have said when there is already registered with another numbering documents

    So I need to know if there is in other tables besides "Purch. Inv. Header"
  • kanikakanika Member Posts: 247

    Regarding this numbering ...

    I need this series

    year + month + correlative of this form


    with this code: Vanio + Vmes + FORMAT (CONTADOR, 3.0)
    I get

    201601 0
    201601 1
    201601 2

    I need to replace 2 spaces by zeros

    but if I put this code: Vanio + Vmes + padstr (FORMAT (CONTADOR), 3, '0')
    I get


    I need the zeroes are left and not right CONTADOR find no function but to do so

    Can you help me please?
  • sampesampe Member Posts: 3
    If you divide CONTADOR by 100 you can get;
    1 /100 = 0,01
    123 /100 = 1,23

    Then convert to text and delete the ",".
  • kanikakanika Member Posts: 247

    thank you vaprog so is perfect

    but I can not find "Filler" in Help, what does?
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,151
    Look for Format Property in the index of Developer and IT Pro Help
  • kanikakanika Member Posts: 247
    ok! thanks
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