Invoicing items with BOM Navision 3.7

bdtbdt Member Posts: 4

I invoiced and item with BOM but Navision is not consuming the components automatically. The item is not manufactured, how can I reduce the components without exploding the BOM?




  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    You need to create a bom journal to create the item and post it. The posting will consume the components.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • bdtbdt Member Posts: 4
    Isn´t Navision supposed to reduce the components automatically after shipping or posting the invoice?

  • Dennis_DecoeneDennis_Decoene Member Posts: 123
    Certainly not. [-X

    Standard navision without manufacturing is made for MTS environments (imho). What you want is MTO or ATO.

    For that, a production planner would run the requisition journal and launch PO's from there. When they are completely finished, the finished goods are reserved for that sales order and the components are consumed. (simply put).


    Another method is to use a BOM Journal, this wil positively adjust the output and negatively correct components on posting. (again simply put).

    What you could do (and i've done) is fill the BOM Journal and call the codeunit to post it, at the start of the shipping or invoicing process.
  • bdtbdt Member Posts: 4
    Thanks a lot!..muchas gracias!

  • csimoneauxcsimoneaux Member Posts: 168
    Could you help with your soultion. I have same problem. My client wants to ship BOM's with no inventory on hand.
    There fore I believe your idea will work. I need the BOM Journal Created and posted before the shipment is posted to Item Ledger entry.
    Their problem at moment...because they post shipment, which creates Item Ledger Entry and then they create and post BOM Journal. This results in the final cost being netted to the Components instead of BOM.
    More detail please.
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