Right now I'm working on a report. I've taken three DataItems: Sales Invoice Header, Sales Invoice Line, Salesperson/Purchaser.
Now in the report I've taken few fields like Salesperson Code(grouped), Amount, & 'Commission %' from Salesperson/Purchaser table. Now I declared another field named 'Amount Including Commission' which will calculate the amount with 'Commission %' for each Salesperson Code.
For that I've declared a decimal variable named as 'AmountInclCommission' Now I've written the following code:
Sales Invoice Header- OnAfterGetRecord:
AmountInclCommission := 0;
AmountInclCommission := ("Sales Invoice Header".Amount * "Salesperson/Purchaser". "Commission %") / 100;
After that, I declared another field in my report & taken the 'AmountInclCommission' variable in that field.
But after I run the report I didn't get the desired result. I only get lots of zeros in the 'Amount Including Commission' field. How could I resolve the matter??
Thank You in advanced,
I am assuming that you if have taken 3 Data items that means yo have done the correct indentation. As I can see your code you are calculating the value in AmountInclCommission then how come you are expecting in 'Amount Including Commission' . PLease check firat that either are you getting your expected values in AmountInclCommission. Write Calcfields for flowfields.
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Even if your calculations are correct, the RDLC layout will screw you over.
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Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
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