Ideally it's not possible because as we know we have maximum of 250 character length available to store the data. Some workaround to deal with this is to work with NAV Notepad. Check out this link.
I need something like note in NAV 2016. I found the table where store the note (T:2000000068:Record Link) But I can't find the page that is use for Note that insert a text with paragraphs. I need like this, to insert text with paragraphs.
Ideally it's not possible because as we know we have maximum of 250 character length available to store the data. Some workaround to deal with this is to work with NAV Notepad. Check out this link.
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I need something like note in NAV 2016. I found the table where store the note (T:2000000068:Record Link) But I can't find the page that is use for Note that insert a text with paragraphs. I need like this, to insert text with paragraphs.
Any advice,
Best Regards,
The Note 'Page' is actually a System Part and you can use that on a page.
Good luck.