Cannot Rename a Record

We are using NAV 2009 SP1.

We have a blank customer and we have transactions too. Now we want to rename a record. There is no code behind RENAME trigger except "Last Modified Date".
I am getting an error.

You cannot rename a record because the old value for the following field is ''.
Field: No.

How do we rename the record from blank to something else?

Any suggestions?


  • Rishi1109Rishi1109 Member Posts: 43
    which version of NAV ?
    Thanks and Regards
  • Ganesh2002Ganesh2002 Member Posts: 14
    NAV 2009 SP1
  • Rishi1109Rishi1109 Member Posts: 43
    Why and How have you created a Customer with Blank Customer No ?
    I am trying the same but system is not allowing
    Thanks and Regards
  • pschoenmakerpschoenmaker Member Posts: 6
    In NAV2009 SP1 it is not possible to rename an empty field
  • Rishi1109Rishi1109 Member Posts: 43
    You can try through SQL Queries but in that case you must take care of all the linked records Although it is possible in NAV 2016 through client only
    Thanks and Regards
  • Ganesh2002Ganesh2002 Member Posts: 14
    Thank You.
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