Hi there guys
Does any one have experience with infrared barcode scanners in Universal App. I have a Honeywell device with windows embedded 8.1. This device have demo application for scanning barcodes. But the barcode does not working in Dynamics NAV ... The demo application does not work in background so I can't to use barcode scanner when application is minimized. Is there any way to "wakeup" barcode scanner in Universal app.
Please for help
Best regards
I'm also searching for a solution for this. I would also love to have NFC Support in the Universal app. The camera Integration is nice but not that usefull then Barcode or NFC Support.
With kind regards
Barcode scanner can be activated only with ScannDemo or CT50 75 Application. The barcode scanner is not working outside his ScanDemo application. One of my ideas is to build WinPhone 8.1 app which I will keep "awake" scanner, but I don't know is that possible.
Maybe if this device have Android OS the barcode scanner will work from every app.
Do you have any information about this?
If we use the camera instead barcode scanner ... then we can use phone for 40$
sorry I believe there is no chance to do that. I developed an Android app with Barcode and nfc Reader. Both Barcode and nfc are completely integrated in the app. Also for every os there is a different LifeCycle.
what about this https://youtube.com/watch?v=DmX8QeifTEs
With kind regards
i am planning to develop barcode scanner for universal app
or any idea how to open scanner from nav universal app?
currently i only can open camera
I tested code successfully to capture picture using camera
but how do we open qr scanner from mobile phone?
or if we use barcode scanner, do we need to develop? or just point our cursor to the textbox.. then scan using barcode scanner?
Could you please explain this for a dull person like me. What exactly did you do, and how do you interact with the scanner, in particular, how do you get the scanned data, so it can be used in NAV?
That's my use case: Mobile or Phone client on a non-windows OS (Web client if nothing else works).
Is there any chance your solution might also work for sending data to an app (in my case writing data to an RFID tag)?
Hi @vaprog,
You don't need to do something for the scanned barcode be shown in the application. That's job of your device. When the barcode is scanned if the device is able to recognize the type of the barcode.
When I start Universal App and open the module that I need, I'm positioning on the field where I like to write the scanned barcode. When the barcode is scanned all data from the barcode (numbers, letters, dashes, etc) are shown in the text box. And there is no additional code in NAV for this.
If I'm understanding you right, you need to connect your RFID reader with Dynamics NAV. In that case my opinion is to create Codeunit and Job for importing .txt data in to NAV. Almost all RFID readers has software who can save data into .txt format ...
Sorry for the late reply. I'm overbusy this days.
If you use Honeywell and you like to user barcode scanner you must to install WIndows 10 or use Android version to work this not only with the Universal App from Dynamics NAV, but with all other applications on your device.
I've tried with my demo app deployed directly on the device, but device is working more comfortable when have original driver to wake his barcode scanner.