I am modifying a report in NAV 2009 report writer to be used in RTC. I am trying to format the date in the page header to look like 01/01/16 and it is not working for me. The field contains the following value: =code.GetData(8,3). I put MM/dd/yy in the Format property, but it is not working. It does work in reports that use =ReportItems!... Can someone help me with this? Thanks!
Replace in Object designer FORMAT(YourDate,0,'<Month,2>/<Day,2>/<Year4>') except just YourDate.
Reports transformation to RDLC
List -1h , Complex List -3h, Document -4h (dev hours)
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I placed the formatting in the classic report in the SourcExpr property: FORMAT("Sales Header"."Shipment Date",0,'<Month,2>/<Day,2>/<Year,2>');
Now when I run the RTC report, the date is formatted perfectly!
= CSTR(FORMAT(last(Fields!price.Value),"#,##0.00")) +CHR(177)
+ CSTR(FORMAT(last(Fields!cost.Value),"#,##0.00")) +CHR(177)
Works every time.