Whenever i try to send auto mail Job queue that calls the SMTP Mail codeunit.
It gives following error:
"The SMTP mail system returned the following error: "Command not implemented. The server response was: 5.3.3 Command not implemented"."
The following is implemented on the SMTP Mail setup
1. Correct Server name: Smtp.test.com
2. Correct User name and password.
3. Port : 587 (that is open)
4. Secure connection : Yes
They are using Office 365, initially other local server was used, through which the mail was going fine.
But after changing the server, this issue occured.
I think your Firewall may be the cause which is blocking this and letting you get this error.
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I have cross checked the Firewall issue, there is no blocking.
Hey OlNavDog - I have debugged the issue, it stops at SMTP.Send.
As i tried setting up the outlook on my pc, where the client and development environment is setup. This is the following error, when i setup the Encryption type as SSL:
“Send test e-mail message: Your server does not support the connection encryption type you have specified. Try changing the encryption method. Contact your mail server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP) for additional assistance.”
Because you say Sharepoint....
SMTP connection encryption
The following list shows the SharePoint 2016 requirements that are needed to negotiate connection encryption with an SMTP server:
- STARTTLS must be enabled on the SMTP server.
- The SMTP server must support the TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, or TLS 1.2 protocol.
- Important: SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols are not supported.
- The SMTP server must have a server certificate installed.
- The server certificate must be valid. Typically, this means that the name of the server certificate must match the name of the SMTP server provided to SharePoint. The server certificate must also be issued by a certificate authority that is trusted by the SharePoint server.
- SharePoint must be configured to use SMTP connection encryption.
Thanks for your help.
i tried the other smtp address provided:
For Eg:
Test-com.mail.protection.outlook.com , Here Test is the domain name,, i guess
and it's finally working fine.
Thanks a lot people.