I have a simple question: When introducing an order, depending on the fasttabs I have opened, the number of rows in the sales lines subform increases or decreases, from 2 to around 8-10 rows. I would like to see a minimum of 4-6 rows to work easily. How can I fix the minimum number of rows?
Best regards.
Collapsing your FastTabs is the way to go (sadly).
You can change the subform size easily.
Open a sales order. Put your mouse at botton of lines and your mouse will change to tipical double arrow, so you can change the size of subform.
If you use NAV 2016, you need to modify the subpage , because there are new fields totaling the order/shipment/invoice, ... and the sizing is blocked.
P.D.: que buena pinta tiene la paella
Yes, I use Nav 2016, so how to do it? I want to have all expanded and more sale lines.
For starters I would modify the totals on the subform to be 2 boxes and only one line instead of the 3 lines. I am going to look into creating a factbox for these totals instead so it will allow more room, has any one else done the sale line totals with a factbox?
I've been several months trying to know how to "see" more lines when introducing an order, having all the factboxes opened. If you clic on the bottom bar of the lines you see the up/down arrow to resize the lines subform, but when you move it, it doesn't resize.
Well..... the most silly solution - move the mouse below the totals, over the white screen part and over the following factbox, surprise, you will see the arrows again. Here you can resize the lines subform to work easily, instead seeing only 3 lines.
All the best!