I`m creating a Label report which needs to display a logo, an barcode and another .bmp image along with some text and description. The latter image is an ECO Label Image which vary deeding on the Eco Label Code being stored in a table.
However I`m encountering a problem because when I`m doing a CALCFIELDS for this ECO Label Picture depending on the Eco Label Code on the OnAfterGetRecord of the DataItem, nothing is being displayed when printing the report although when seeing the details I'm seeing the data . This CALCFIELDS is necessary because otherwise it will not grab the image and remains with null value when grabbing the data.
I have tried different solutions to get it work but still having the same issue.
Do you have an idea how i should solve this ?
Of course you have to do CALCFIELDS if you are fetching a BLOB image from the table. Writing this code on OnAfterGetRecord Trigger clearly signifies that it has to run for each record.
Can you tell me what code are you writing on the Visual Studio Expression.
Try Writing Convert.ToBase64String(Your DataSet Expression);
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