Just wondering if anyone has ever automated Calc Whse Adjustment, such as building it into the Register action on the Whse Item/Phys Invy journal. It's a step that people always forget to do, and folks never understand why it doesn't just happen automatically.
I know we can schedule it to run in the job queue, but in emergencies people forget about the second step, and then can't find their inventory.
Thank you in advance for any ideas,
As I recall it needed a COMMIT and the setting of some parameters, but it could be done.
We did encounter some issues [we were using LOT tracking]: when an error occured then not all created 'warehouse adjustment' journal lines were cleaned up and other users would get errors on the 'faulty' lot even when they did not use that LOT at all - in such cases manual action was required to fix it.
Thank you for your comments!
You need to set "Whse Lot Tracking" on your "Item Tracking Codes" to see lot numbers in the warehouse. There is then a "Lot No. Filter" on the Bin Contents. Same functionality exists for Serial numbers.