Select Link to File from within Navision

JanVJanV Member Posts: 34
Hello together,

I'm sure all of you know the HYPERLINK-Function in Navision using which you can link a file in Navision.
Now, what we want to do is quite similar, but we don't want our users to have copy an paste the whole path, filename, etc. into our hyperlink-fielf but to select the file they want to link using a window. Is this possible? Any suggestions?

regards Jan


  • TbiTbi Member Posts: 33

    If I understand you right here, you can use the codeunit 'Common Dialog Management'

    CommonDialogMgt, Codeunit - Common Dialog Management	
    HYPERLINK(CommonDialogMgt.OpenFile('Open file','',1,'*.*',0));

    If you enter this in OnPush on a button, the user can select a file, and then it opens.
  • JanVJanV Member Posts: 34

    thanks, but that's not what I'm searching for, I'll try to be more specific.

    We've got this field, let's call it "Further Informations", in this field you can copy and paste the link to (for example) a PowerPoint-Presentation.
    Basicly this is a cool function as it gives our Users the possibillity to link to nearly any file they want.
    But now we want let our User search for the file they want to link by a Window, when they found it they should press "OK" and then the link to the file should be stored in the field named above.
  • TbiTbi Member Posts: 33
    Ok, but I think you can still use the 'Common Dialog Management', because it returns the full path to the file they selects as a Text. Try something like this:
    "Further Informations" := CommonDialogMgt.OpenFile('Select file','',1,'*.*',0);
    (You can use this on the OnAssistEdit() on the field)
  • JanVJanV Member Posts: 34
    Works perfect! Thanks! :D
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