Hello, I've got that problem that cannot solve by myself

NAV put the NEW COGS(2016) on Invoices from 2015! (on items with CostingMethod=Standard, that were revaluated)
Here is what was done in sequence:
1. In december 2015 sales department posted some shipments, (StandardCosted-items were there)
2. On 04.01.2016 i have made a revaluation (like I do it every year: Manufacturing->Costing->StndCostWorksheets & RevaluationJournals)
3. On 05.01.2016 SalesDepartm INVOICED shipments from point 1. (Invoice Form -> functions -_ GetShipmentLines).
Invoces were with December Date.
4. And FIRST problem!! => We've noticed that the COGS (in Value Entry table) was taken from the NEW (2016) StandardCost not from the old

5. Generally Problem1 I've solved by Editing the Value Entry table. I've updated the field "Cost Amount (Actual)".
And for the Short Period of Time it was OK!!. But few days later I've noticed that NAV is very very stubborn!! Some days after NAV again Revaluated those Shipments by adding the next records in Value Entry 
So still the COGS on the 2015-shipment is taken from 2016 year

Now I must update-to-zero those new VE records - but it is helpful for the short time.
I cant understand it - please help.

NAV version 4.03 (polish functionality).
http://www.reinwestuj.pl Inwestuj w nieruchomości. Condohotele, aparthotele.
... did you close the inventory accounting period for december? This should prevent this behaviour. Otherwise, it's just sad. There is no time dependency in item applications, and only partial time dependency in item valuations. This can lead to interesting "valuation at date" results. Parts of this have been fixed in newer NAV versions, though.
with best regards
But, what is "inventory accounting period"? There are Accounting Periods in GenLedger, but in my version (4.03) not in invenotry module (maybe in later versions)
Otherwise I don't think closing Dec would help because that Extra VE entries are with January date. Like this:
VE."Posting Date" - January
VE."Document No." - No. of Invoice
VE."Item Ledger Entry No." - Corresponds to Entry in ILE of Shipment-connected-with-that-Invoice
VE."Applies-to Entry" - Coressponds to First VE entry that was created during posting Invoice.