is it possible to create a cue that show´s all the new sales orders in the active month?
somethin like this...
Count("Sales Header" WHERE (Document Date=FIELD(Date Filter2)))
...but with this
Count("Sales Header" WHERE (Document Date=FIELD(this month)))
1. Create a FlowFilter field (let's say you call it "this month") in the Sales Cue table, datatype = date
2. Create a Flowfield (e.g. "Orders This Month") in the same table with Calcformula: Count("Sales Header" WHERE (Document Date=FIELD(this month)))
3. Set the correct filter on the 'this month' field:
4. SalesCue.CALCFIELD("Orders This Month");
thank you for your help! This is how far i came.
1. I created a new field with the field class flow filter, data type: date.
2. I created a new field with the field class flowfield, data type: integer, and following filter:
CalcFormula Count("Sales Header" WHERE (Document Date=FIELD(this month)))
3. I don´t know, how to filter in a field from the data type date
4. Same thing here, would you be so kind and tell me a little more detailled?
Thank´s a lot!
A stranger! :P
add SalesCue.SETRANGE("this month",CALCDATE(TODAY,'<-CM>'),CALCDATE(TODAY,'<CM>'));
in OnOpen Page trigger.
seems like my license doesn´t allow page design can´t open C/AL Code
you need partner license to do this.
When I am putting this code, system generate some error.
Please check in attachment.
[ you could check the online help for the complete definition of the CALCDATE function ]