Upgrade from NAV2.1 to NAV2016

Nav_2016Nav_2016 Member Posts: 7
Hi All,

We are planning to upgrade a 400GB DB form NAV2.01A to NAV2016. I know how to upgrade from version 3.7 onward.
Can anyone please provide the steps/suggestion, that how to upgrade from NAV2.01A to NAV3.7


  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Oh wow, that's a long way :smile: I could provide you with upgrade kits from 2.60 to 4.0SP3.
  • Nav_2016Nav_2016 Member Posts: 7
    Thanks for the respone.
    Can you please provide the steps frop muigating from 2.01A to 2.6 as weel, later we can use the toolkit that you have with you for migratin from 2.6 to 4.0SP3
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Are you 100% sure you need to carry around 15+ years old data? I moved a subsidiary from NAV2009 and still we decided to leave out old data, we can look things up in the old database when needed, but it is rarely needed. Perhaps user want to make last year comparisons, that is OK, but 10 years? Besides, with so much data, reporting should rather be done in a separate OLAP database / data warehouse...

    I would talk the customer out of it. I would tell them to treat it like moving to a different software. Like moving to SAP. You just move the current master data, open invoices, stocks, G/L balances... not historical data.

    The structure changed so much - I think 2.01A didn't even have Value Entry - that it is justifiable to treat it like implementing a new software.
  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    Maybe a bit pointless to ask right now, but you have considered the option of transferring only master data, open balances and open documents in the new database?
    Upgrade in this case will be quite a long task.
  • JBirdJBird Member Posts: 1
    2.01A to 2016 is a *very* big upgrade.

    I'd recommend a full reimplementation, just bringing in open documents and balances.
  • Nav_2016Nav_2016 Member Posts: 7
    Thanks to all of you for your suggestions!

    Customer is a very big telecom player and we can’t provide them only the one option.
    We have to provide both approaches full data upgrade and Master Data Upgrade, and then can we suggest the pros & cons of both approaches.

    But still I would need support for some kind of documentation to upward from 2.01A to NAV2016. Or should we ask Microsoft for providing the tool kit? Please Help.
  • Nav_2016Nav_2016 Member Posts: 7
    Any suggestions.!!
  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi Nav_2016,

    problem is... this stuff is *really old*, 15 years and more. I don't have a database for 2.01A at hand, maybe digging in my really old archive from 2003 would turn up something. But I doubt this. There was a conversion routine from 2.01 to 2.60 (I think), but... I don't have it at hand. And you would need it for what country?

    with best regards

  • amr_wafaamr_wafa Member Posts: 23
    Are you 100% sure you need to carry around 15+ years old data? I moved a subsidiary from NAV2009 and still we decided to leave out old data, we can look things up in the old database when needed, but it is rarely needed. Perhaps user want to make last year comparisons, that is OK, but 10 years? Besides, with so much data, reporting should rather be done in a separate OLAP database / data warehouse...

    I would talk the customer out of it. I would tell them to treat it like moving to a different software. Like moving to SAP. You just move the current master data, open invoices, stocks, G/L balances... not historical data.

    The structure changed so much - I think 2.01A didn't even have Value Entry - that it is justifiable to treat it like implementing a new software.

    I'm suggesting Miklos as well, even moving from 5.0 or 2009 is not a very easy task due to some table structure changes...I would imagine that you will spend alot of time doing it.
  • spider1269spider1269 Member Posts: 74
    edited 2016-01-21
    After just upgrading from 5.0SP1 to NAV2015 I would say to consider every option. We had an 850 GB database and originally we were going to convert the database with all the history. After testing and discussing real world timing we realized there wasn't any way we could go live without being down for several days at the least. We decided instead to re-implement and fix a lot of issues that existed in our legacy database including the fact that our original database had been split into 6 files. We were only down for 8 hours and we ended up with a 100 GB database, just the necessary master and historical data and very happy management.
  • chrisjpotterchrisjpotter Member Posts: 9
    No option, output all the data into Excel then re-implement!
  • hedegaardhedegaard Member Posts: 25
    In the past year I have done two upgrades from 2.60.

    The upgrades done were without any major problems and did not take long. They were however small databases.

    NAV2.01 was simple compared to the current NAV versions so upgrading the earlier versions are also more simple.

    The strategy is to take customizations out of the standard objects and upgrade all the way to NAV2016 using the standard tools and standard objects.

    Upgrade path:
    1. Update database to runtime 4.03
    2. Migrate to SQL ?
    3. Move customized data out of standard tables
    4. Upgrade from 2.01A til 4.03
    5. Upgrade from 4.03 til 6.01
    6. Upgrade from 6.01 to 7.0
    7. Upgrade from 7.0 to 9.0 (NAV2016)
    8. Move customized data into standard tables

    - Job and Marketing modules are changed quite a bit
    - Do you have upgrade tools in correct country version?
    - How long time will it take to run?. E.g. Dimensions are re-designed and takes time.

    This process will upgrade the data to a NAV2016 standard version.
    No code is upgraded so you also need to make the application code for NAV2016.

  • Nav_2016Nav_2016 Member Posts: 7
    Hi hedegaard,

    Thanks for the explanation. but he problem is that i don't have the standard
    2.01 A db with me for comparison. Neither it is available on the partner source, can you help with this and toolkit for upgrading from NAV2.01 to NAV2.6 and the to NAV3.7.(from 3.7 i have the necessary toolkit with me).

    I have hands on experience in upgrade projects , bu the problem lies i don't have that standrad 2.01 A db and toolkit with me.

    at least i can dry run and find out the exact time for upgrade before committing to customer.

    Recently i have done a upgrade from NAV2009 to NAV2013R2 (DB size is 2TB) with a downtime of just 6 hrs.

  • Nav_2016Nav_2016 Member Posts: 7
    Hi jglathe,

    Please provide the toolkit to upgrade from 2.60 to 4.0SP3.

  • jglathejglathe Member Posts: 639
    Hi Nav_2016,

    it's on your profile page.

    with best regards

  • Nav_2016Nav_2016 Member Posts: 7

    Many thanks for your help.!
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