Interesting observation related to NAV 2016:
Seems there is limitation on Nested IF THEN ELSE statement, you can do upto 35 cases and if done on 36th case then NAV crashes while compiling the object.
Although there was no such limitation upto NAV 2015. I know one should use CASE OF statement in such scenarios, but this issue initially appeared little weird.
Did anyone else also faced this issue and is it documented FEATURE in NAV 2016?
This has been focused as a design pattern by Microsoft since the release of NAV 2015 and has been implemented as a general design guideline which should be followed by us as developers.
Andrew T.
Linkedin Profile: http://in.linkedin.com/in/dhanrajbansal
Anyhow, my comments regarding 'Cyclomatic Complexity' (oh man, I love this term...) were genuine, so although it seems to be a bug (haven't yet verified by myself) it seems to be more theoretical as we wouldn't get there as long as we follow these reasonable design patterns and guidelines.
Andrew T.
(but for sure, the point is: "why in the heck there are 36 IFs? O.o i'd like to see them indented in nav 2009 )
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