When I try to compile tables in Dev Env. i get an error like on the first picture: "Unable to process table changes because...". If I check data in Tools >> Options everything is ok. If I Run the Development Environment as Administrator, I'm getting error from the second picture: "Either the caller does not have the required permission ..." .
Thanks for your time to read and suggest solution for this post.
Best Regards
are you sure your user is an active user into the RTC client too?
MBS Specialist since NAV 2.0
My experiences on Linkedin
For some reason, the Service folder also contains finsql.exe, but when we used that file, we had problems saving changes to an object. This might be because the Service folder does not have all the dlls that the RTC folder has.
Thanks to all of you for your time to help me.
I've tried all of your solutions/suggestions and only the first one have worked
When I add my Windows user as RTC user, I was able to compile tables.
Also I've tried to open finsql.exe from installation folder, but the problem was the same.
And I've checked that the TCP/IP protocol was enabled and SQL Server Browser Service is running, but the problem was the same.
Thank you for your time guys
Best Regards