
Quantity (Calculated) in Phys. Inventory Journal and Whse. Phys. Invt. Journal is not the same

OMMOMM Member Posts: 17

I am using NAV2013 R2.

Would like to know is anyone encountered the same issue on inventory quantity, especially for Bin:

- the value inserted in Quantity (Calculated) field in Phys. Inventory Journal is different from from the value inserted in Quantity (Calculated) field in Whse. Phys. Invt. Journal (Location with Bins)
- the value inserted in Quantity (Calculated) field is different from Quantity (Phys. Inventory) field in Phys. Inventory Journal, and this only happen to Location with Bins
- Quantity in Item Bin Contents and Item Ledger Entries is not the same

I have cross checked the Item Ledger Entries and Warehouse Ledger Entries, the value inserted in Quantity (Calculated) field in Phys. Inventory Journal should be the right figure.

I do another check in Cronus, by picking the Item No. "LS-150", it is also having different inventory balance with the Item Bin Contents and when running both Phys. Inventory Journal & Whse. Phys. Invt. Journal.

Is this a system bug?

Thank you very much.
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