I am currently programming a system where I can send orders from Navision Attain 3.70 to a linux server via sockets.
I am using the Attain communication components and everything is working fine. I can send the order and get the return message from the server. So fare so good.
But because the system is going to run “automated” in a job scheduler I would like to make it a little more stable towards potential errors. So the first thing I tried was to stop the socket server. And there my problem start. I get a windows error when I do the
OutS := Outmsg.GetStream;
Are there any way to check that the socket connection is running and catch that status in C/AL code so that I can make my system more stable?
I thought I could you the win socket ocx but when I try to use it from Navision I get a message that I need to use a developer license for the ocx?? Anybody know how I get this?
I created a codeunit that calls my socket logic with and if around the run.
Now I can catch that there is an error (just not the details about what the error is).
I would still like info why winsocket don't work from within C/AL if anybody knows the answer.
There is nothing in the standard Navision objects that allows you to open a continuous socket connection. We had to write our own .NET component to monitor a socket connection and 'convert' the process into something that Navision would understand (we use MSMQ for that part).
I think that my dirty solution will do the job, else you are right then I will have to program my own dll to do the job.
Wierd that navision only make such a light implementation of a interface, I would have thought that all people need some kind of error handling in their code.
The way I see it... if you're going to expose an object, expose the entire thing. Instead, Navision esposes only parts of them, and sometimes even changes the interface as well.