Hi all,
Could some confirm this bug during the installation of NAV2016 via Clickonce.
When I run
mage -update Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe.manifest -fromdirectory .
I am getting following error message:
Warning MSB3110: Assembly 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Demo\Deployment\ApplicationFiles\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.x86.exe' has mismatched identity 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client', expected file name: 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe'.
Warning MSB3187: Referenced assembly 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Demo\Deployment\ApplicationFiles\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.x86.exe' targets a different processor than the application.
I am aware that Microsoft introduced a new 64-bit window Client .
Now we have following files in the ApplicationFiles folder, 32- bit client
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.x86.exe with Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.x86.exe.config
and 64-bit client
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe with Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe.config
The problem is that both files have the same description, so when mage is run it reports above error.
The only way to resolve this issue was to remove the 2 files for 32-bit client from ApplicationFiles folder.
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.x86.exe with Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.x86.exe.config
The problem in this case is that only 64-bit client is deployed.
Have you actually tried it on a x86 system?
Thank for your conformation.
I tried to use clickonce installation from above deployment on a 32bit machine and the client crashes on starting Windows(RTC) client, no error message is reported. :-(
I think Microsoft should at least show an error message in this case, rather then to allow a client to crash.
Currently it crashes with this error message
In other words the above deployment only works for users with 64-bit machines.
Annoyingly there is no nice error message for 32bit machines.
I guess the only solution is to create two deployments one for 32bit clients and one for 64bit clients.