Kindly note that I am using NAV 2013R2 & Report Builder 3.0 in which, with in the layout I was not able to trace any small hidden field in red, on the upper left corner of the layout which consists of GetData/SetData string.
Could you please suggest me, Is it a better option to modify the existing Sales Invoice or Create a new layout to meet customers requirement.
It really depends on the number of changes you wanna make.
When the requirements in the layout structure are just too many, I simple export the report in .txt, give it another ID, import back and just make the changes in the layout part, since the NAV structure remains the same.
Thanks for your response.
Kindly note that I am using NAV 2013R2 & Report Builder 3.0 in which, with in the layout I was not able to trace any small hidden field in red, on the upper left corner of the layout which consists of GetData/SetData string.
Could you please suggest me, Is it a better option to modify the existing Sales Invoice or Create a new layout to meet customers requirement.
Thanks in advance.
Or you use the following list. This is from report 206 version NAVW18.00,NAVSE8.00.
GetData(LineNo, 1):
1 =Code.SetData(Cstr(Fields!CustAddr1.Value) + Chr(177) +
2 Cstr(Fields!CustAddr2.Value) + Chr(177) +
3 Cstr(Fields!CustAddr3.Value) + Chr(177) +
4 Cstr(Fields!CustAddr4.Value) + Chr(177) +
5 Cstr(Fields!CustAddr5.Value) + Chr(177) +
6 Cstr(Fields!CustAddr6.Value) + Chr(177) +
7 Cstr(Fields!CustAddr7.Value) + Chr(177) +
8 Cstr(Fields!CustAddr8.Value) + Chr(177) +
9 Cstr(Fields!BilltoCustNo_SalesInvHdr.Value) + Chr(177) +
10 Cstr(Fields!VATRegNo_SalesInvHdr.Value) + Chr(177) +
11 Cstr(Fields!YourReference_SalesInvHdr.Value) + Chr(177) +
12 Cstr(Fields!No_SalesInvHdr.Value) + Chr(177) +
13 Cstr(Fields!HdrOrderNo_SalesInvHdr.Value) + Chr(177) +
14 Cstr(Fields!PostingDate_SalesInvHdr.Value) + Chr(177) +
15 Cstr(Fields!DueDate_SalesInvHdr.Value) + Chr(177) +
16 Cstr(LineNo Cstr(Fields!PricesInclVATYesNo_SalesInvHdr.Value)) + Chr(177) +
17 Cstr(First(Fields!DocDate_SalesInvHdr.Value)) + Chr(177) +
18 Cstr(Fields!SalesPurchPersonName.Value) + Chr(177) +
19 Cstr(Fields!DocumentCaptionCopyText.Value) + Chr(177) +
20 Cstr(Fields!PaymentTermsDesc.Value) + Chr(177) +
21 Cstr(Fields!ShipmentMethodDesc.Value) + Chr(177) +
22 Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddr1.Value) + Chr(177) +
23 Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddr2.Value) + Chr(177) +
24 Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddr3.Value) + Chr(177) +
25 Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddr4.Value) + Chr(177) +
26 Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddr5.Value) + Chr(177) +
27 Cstr(Fields!CompanyAddr6.Value) + Chr(177) +
28 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoPhoneNo.Value) + Chr(177) +
29 Cstr(Fields!OrderNoText.Value) + Chr(177) +
30 Cstr(Fields!EMail.Value) + Chr(177) +
31 Cstr(Fields!HomePage.Value) + Chr(177) +
32 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoVATRegNo.Value) + Chr(177) +
33 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoGiroNo.Value) + Chr(177) +
34 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoBankName.Value) + Chr(177) +
35 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoBankAccNo.Value) + Chr(177) +
36 Cstr(Fields!PricesInclVAT_SalesInvHdrCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
37 Cstr(Fields!InvNoCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
38 Cstr(Fields!SalesInvPostingDateCptn.Value) + Chr(177) +
39 Cstr(Fields!BilltoCustNo_SalesInvHdrCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
40 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoBankAccNoCptn.Value) + Chr(177) +
41 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoBankNameCptn.Value) + Chr(177) +
42 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoGiroNoCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
43 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoVATRegNoCptn.Value) + Chr(177) +
44 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoPhoneNoCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
45 Cstr(Fields!PageCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
46 Cstr(Fields!ReferenceText.Value) + Chr(177) +
47 Cstr(Fields!SalesPersonText.Value) + Chr(177) +
48 Cstr(Fields!VATNoText.Value) + Chr(177) +
49 Cstr(Fields!SalesInvDueDateCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
50 Cstr(Fields!DocumentDateCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
51 Cstr(Fields!PaymentTermsDescCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
52 Cstr(Fields!ShptMethodDescCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
53 Cstr(Fields!EMailCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
54 Cstr(Fields!HomePageCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
55 Cstr(Fields!PlusGiroNoCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
56 Cstr(Fields!CompHasTaxAssessCaption.Value) + Chr(177) +
57 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoRegisteredOffice.Value) + Chr(177) +
58 Cstr(Fields!CompanyInfoPlusGiroNo.Value) + Chr(177) +
59 Cstr(Fields!BoardOfDirectorsLocCaption.Value), 1)
Have you checked the cables?
Have you released the filters?
It really depends on the number of changes you wanna make.
When the requirements in the layout structure are just too many, I simple export the report in .txt, give it another ID, import back and just make the changes in the layout part, since the NAV structure remains the same.