

AdrianAkersAdrianAkers Member Posts: 137
Has anybody else come across any problems with the above code in WordManagement codeunit 5054.

We seem to be experiencing a problem where the Windows Client crashes if WordHandler.WaitForDocument(WordDocument); is left running for a period of time. So for example, the user is working on the document for 30 minutes. When they close the Word document the NAV windows client crashes. If they work on the document for only a small period of time then it seems to be fine.

WordHandler := WordHandler.WordHandler;

WordDocument.ActiveWindow.Caption := Caption;
WordDocument.Application.Visible := TRUE; // Visible before WindowState KB176866 - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/176866
WordDocument.ActiveWindow.WindowState := 1; // 1 = wdWindowStateMaximize
WordDocument.Saved := TRUE;

NewFileName := WordHandler.WaitForDocument(WordDocument);

So the last line of code seems to have some sort of freak out if the Word Document is open for too long? Anyone else seen this?
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