I have a custom order confirmation report which collects information from the sales line plus additional information relevant for that item. This Information is copied into a helper table (Report Output line). This table is used in the tablix item of the RDLC layout. Now I have the problem that some items can have a lot of additional descriptions (lines) and each item including all the additional description lines should not be torn apart. Based on the tablix (see attached screenshot) in my report I have not managed to keep each item (including the additional description lines) together on one page. So I thought of the following workaround: I would add a boolean field "Page Break" to the sales line. Then the user will be responsible to define where the page break must occur by simply checking the "Page Break" field of the relevant item. My problem now is that I don't know how to handle this individual page break in the layout. I cannot use a logic that a page break has to occur when for example the group changes. Can anyone help me to solve this problem?