Automate full copy/backup and restore Company NAV 4x

It's a classic client 4x version. There is a manual process in place for an organization for backing up production company and restore it on another server that users could use it there.
Please advise how it would be possible to automate it. I've seen a code how to do it before and even had a copy of it but I couldn't find it now. Is it to create an SQL sp and do the SSIS package or there is a better way of doing it. I've also seen a few lines of a code for PowerShell that could be probably also used for this automated task but it's for NAV 2013 while the current version I'd need to automate is an old one as 4x.



  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    For SQL Server you can set up a SQL job to do backups on a scheduled basis. You can google the correct syntax.
  • donitdonit Member Posts: 24
    Thank you, David, for your response. I need the full Company backup and restore or a copy. You are probably right that it might be not that difficult to do the SQL db back up. But, I'd need a scenario when the job would work everyday or even more often and a user could go to the copy of the PROD NAV and use it as it would be a live one. So, I'd need a backup and restore.
    I tried to google it of course but I found the NAV 2013 via powershell code only for now e.g. starts as below:
    #Backup the Application Database
    $NavApplication = Get-NAVApplication $ServiceInstance
    Backup-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance $NavApplication.'Database Server' -Database $NavApplication.'Database Name' -BackupAction Database

    That is nice and easy coding that I could use for automation but it might not work for NAV 4x probably as it's for NAV 2013.

    They also say in the old Docs that MS NAV add things such as "Backing up and restoring data can be automated as jobs, and these canrun without any disruption to your work". But, I could not locate any specifics for it.

    If you know any links please send it to me.

  • donitdonit Member Posts: 24
    I did a research and it seems as a simple SQL backup and restore could probably work.
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    yes, you can take back up and restore manually. that will be the fastest way in your situation.
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