We have one customer with the following issue in costing:
version 3.10
Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job has been run.
In Item Application table I can see the following record:
Entry No. 4351364
Item Ledger Entry No. 4051568
Inbound Item Entry No. 3399673
Outbound Item Entry No. 4051568
Quantity -1
Adjusted Cost -4,27
Indeed, if I check Item Ledger Entry for Inboud entry the cost per unit is 4,27 ("Adjusted Cost"/"Invoiced Qty"). But if I check outbound Item Entry then the cost is 0.
I do beleive that it is not correct.
Please help.
read this navision doc:
http://www.geocities.com/navision_attai ... ostFix.doc
There have been many many posts on Cost Errors on this site as well as www.mbsonline.org you can search the forums.