Create Fields in Existing Tables

kenlkenl Member Posts: 182

When we add fields to exisiting tables, is there any rule for it?

I found that for Purchase Header and Sales Header, the existing fields are "related".
    Field 1. Document Type 2. Sell-to No / Buy-from No 3. No. 4. Bill-to No / Pay-to No ......

(The same case apply to Purchase line and Sales Line)

The the same field number, the data type are matched.

When we add fields to existing table, (like Purchae Header/ Sales Header), should we apply this rule ? Same dataType for same field Number for both tables ?



  • Tim81Tim81 Member Posts: 68
    kenl wrote:
    When we add fields to existing table, (like Purchae Header/ Sales Header), should we apply this rule ? Same dataType for same field Number for both tables ?
    Hey Ken,

    it is very useful to use same numbers for same fields. If you add the same fields in Purchase and Sales Header its just useful for a good survey (and its navision standard, so its reasonable to do that). But if you need fields in Sales Header and Sales Invoice Header for example I would recommend to use same numbers and datatypes, as you can use TRANSFERFIELDS then.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    It's more important to have the same numbers/names/types in tables that folow the same process, so from Sales Header to Sales Shipment Header and Sales Invoice Header. The posting routines already has a TRANSFERFIELDS command in there, so 9 times out of 10 that will already take care of a field flowing from order to posted documents.

    Other than that it just makes it easier for you to maintain the development if you use the same numbers etc.
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