I like to know that, how to fetch a records randomlly using Random Function with Arrays.
Right now, i had created Question Bank Report. In that i am have a set questions.so, when i fetch the records, it should come randomlly.
can any one help me....how to do this.....
Its very urgent.
i think one possibility is this.
The records need an id. The numbers of the id have to be continuous. If you cant grant this, cause of a setrange for example, write the records in a temporary table with continuous ids.
Then use following code (QuestionBank represents your record with the questions): You needn't to use the RANDOMIZE function before every call of RANDOM. But it generates a set of random numbers, so you should use it on and off.
Maybe there is a better solution. Haven't worked with RANDOM often so far.
The code should look like this: