Open the Customer List and set a filter. When you double click on a record, the Customer Card is shown, retaining the filters you set on the List.
Except for the MARKEDONLY filter, it seems #-o
I'm working on a solution where I use MARK and MARKEDONLY extensively to do cross-field filtering.
Has anybody found a way to work around this problem/error/shortcoming?
Brian Rocatis
Senior NAV Developer
Elbek & Vejrup
What are you exactly trying to achieve? (Maybe share some code)?
Regards, Wisa
If you this code, you're presented with a list containing 1 Customer. Click View to open the Customer Card. Using the buttons Previous and Next (Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn) changes the Customer because the filter (MARKEDONLY) was not inherited from the Customer List.
To me, this is an error, but I'm going to hold my breath until it gets fixed. The question is if anybody has figured out a workaround to obtain the correct functionality.
Senior NAV Developer
Elbek & Vejrup
You'll need an action to overwrite the doubleclick event: this button should create a temptable based on the filters and then run the card page (on the temp table, of course).
Or (based upon your nav version) take a look at the "selectionfiltermanagement" codeunit (no. 46 in nav 2016)
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
Temp tables are going to be quite messy, as the user can edit the records.
Codeunit 46 is intriguing and somewhat clever, but doesn't stand the test of really complex filters (it eithers goes into an infinite loop or overflows). When faced with the alternatives it might be the best choice, though.
Senior NAV Developer
Elbek & Vejrup
About temp tables...well, i just didn't think about you had to modify the table, whops
Btw, you can overwrite the doubleclick by creating an action with "Return" as shortcutkey. It also overwrites the keystroke.
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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