Hello All,
I have the following components installed on my compter:
1. Microsoft Dynamics NAV R2;
2. Visual Studio 2013 Shell. I use it for working with Team Foundation Server;
3. Visual Studio 2012 Professional.
When I change report layout in NAV 2013 R2 system tries to open RDLC report with Visual Studio 2013 Shell and it fails.
What I want to achieve is that RDLC reports are opened with Visual Studio 2012 Professional.
I checked registry in HKLM\Software\Microsft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\devenv.exe and it contains correct link to the Visual Studio 2012 Professional.
Please help me to open RDLC report with VS 2012, not 2013!
Thank you all in advance!
http://mibuso.com/blogs/clausl/2013/12/ ... v-2013-r2/
Technical Director | Cyber-Eagle Management
Crows Nest, NSW 2065
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Unfortunately, the provided link does not open. I managed to "solve" the issue by deleting Visual Studio 2013 Shell
Thanks for your reply!